SWIMMERS: Goal setting tips for faster swimming

Don Henshaw

Howdy đź‘‹,


Last week I published an article on SwimSwam that covered some of my favorite tips for setting (and achieving) goals for swimmers. 


Some of it will be familiar territory…


Things like:

  • Building process goals for more consistency and less goal stress
  • Recognizing little wins to build authentic self-confidence
  • The importance of writing your goals down
  • How feedback loops help speed up learning and progress


And so on. 


The article also includes some quotes from your favorite Olympians, how they use goal setting to accomplish big things, as well as some research to back up the effectiveness of the tips.


Read the article by clicking on the link below:


👉👉 8 Goal Setting Tips for Swimmers


And, as always, if you want to unlock a killer mindset in the pool this year, give my mental training workbook, Conquer the Pool, a look by clicking on the links below. 


See you in the water,




The Ultimate Mental Training Book for Competitive Swimmers


If you’ve ever struggled with staying focused at practice, managing nerves behind the blocks, or staying on track with your goals…


Conquer the Pool: The Swimmer’s Ultimate Guide to a High-Performance Mindset will help you in a BIG way. 


The book is designed from the bottom up to help you level up your mindset. 


Whether you struggle to stay positive during hard sets, use pre-race nerves for faster swimming, or unleashing sharper focus in practice, Conquer the Pool will help you unleash a better mindset and faster swimming. 


Click below to learn more about Conquer the Pool and see what you can do with your swimming and mindset.