SWIMMERS: The key to excellence on race day

Don Henshaw

Understanding what YOU need to perform your best on race day is critical. 


Each swimmer has their own blueprint for a high-performance mindset in competition. 


For Leon Marchard, world champion, NCAA champion, and the man to finally beat Michael Phelps’ 400m IM world record, the key to electric swims is being relaxed.


"The first thing I worked on with my mental coach was managing my stress and nervousness before competitions,” says Marchand. “Because when I was really nervous, I couldn't swim well at all. So I've been working on that, trying to be as relaxed as possible before and during competitions."


Nerves and excitement can be a source of fuel on race day, but like everything, too much of a good thing can send our performance crashing. 


Look back on the times in competition where you crushed it. 


The mindset you had. How you prepared. And the levels of energy and arousal you experienced before racing.


It’s YOUR blueprint for performing under pressure moving forward.


See you in the pool,




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The book is designed from the bottom up to help you level up your mindset. 


Whether you struggle to stay positive during hard sets, use pre-race nerves for faster swimming, or unleashing sharper focus in practice, Conquer the Pool will help you unleash a better mindset and faster swimming. 


Click below to learn more about Conquer the Pool and see what you can do with your swimming and mindset.




Level Up Your Mindset




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