Parents: Sign up athlete for meet / Commit to events

Declaring/signing up your athlete(s) for events is easy in TeamUnify. Note: See below link if you are using OnDeck.

  1. Sign In to your team's TU website.
  2. Go to the Events or Calendar page.
  3. Click the Attend/Decline button.
    1. On the Events page, it looks like this.
      Event Attend/Decline button
    2. On the Calendar, it looks like this.
      Calendar Attend/Decline button
  4. Click the name of your athlete whom you want to attend.
  5. Click the Declaration dropdown and click Yes, please sign [name] up for this event (or No, thanks, [name] will NOT attend this event, enter any Notes, and then click Save Changes).
    Athlete declaration selection
  6. Enter any Notes you want the coach to see.
  7. If a team admin has allowed you to select events, check the boxes of the events you want your athlete to enter.
    Athlete event selections
    1. Red times indicate your athlete is not qualified to enter those events.
    2. Events you choose are subject to coach approval.
  8. Otherwise select which days and sessions your athlete will attend and a coach will then pick which events your athlete will enter.
    Athlete day/session selections
    1. You may click a day/session button to see what events are scheduled.
  9. Click Save Changes.
  10. Repeat for all other athletes you may have.

See Also
Sign up for events in OnDeck